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UNA Brooklyn Blog Rises Again

Hey, Brooklyn, we’re finally launching a blog on our new website, which will replace the old blog found here: Our plan is to publish new content at least once every two weeks to start. We’ll focus on key issues related to the work of the United Nations Association, the UN, and events happening in Brooklyn related to global affairs, culture, art and music. We welcome blog ideas and contributions from anyone as long as they are on topic.

For those of you who are great at planning ahead, please hold on to Thursday, October 23rd on which day we’ll honor the UN by hosting an expert panel on UN peacekeeping operations known as disarmament, demobilization and re-integration (DDR). UN Day is technically October 24th but let’s face it Thursdays are just much easier to get people to attend a global affairs policy panel. There will be networking, refreshments, and a q&A opportunity with the panel experts.

DDR has become an integral part of post conflict efforts to secure and maintain peace once hostilities have ceased. Check out the UN DDR page to learn more. Leading our panel will be Christopher O’Donnell, a program officer with the DDR section of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations and fellow Brooklynite. Stay tuned to learn about the other participants as we’re still recruiting them…

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